
Are you suffering from tooth pain? You may need a root canal treatment, although our dentist near you may suggest other treatments as well. We recommend getting a professional diagnosis and visiting the dentist as early as possible. Leaving an infected or decayed tooth untreated may lead to extraction.

Why Do You Need Root Canal Treatment?

Root canal infection may be caused due to a number of factors, but the main reason is bacteria entering the tooth pulp. The tooth pulp contains blood vessels and nerves, and when bacterial infection penetrates the pulp area, it can cause severe pain and discomfort.

Patients should schedule an appointment at The Sanger Dentist if they experience heightened sensitivity to cold or hot foods. The nature and extent of root canal infection depend on the way the bacteria enter the root canal of the tooth.

Causes of Root Canal Infection

Our dentist in Sanger, TX, explains several causes that can potentially trigger root canal infection:

  • Tooth decay, which damages the tooth canal and allows bacteria to reach the pulp
  • Bacteria may enter a cracked or damaged tooth through an opening; this is why it’s essential to get cracked teeth restored
  • An avulsed tooth (tooth damaged due to trauma) may require root canal as it may get dislodged entirely from the socket
  • An excessive number of dental treatments on the same tooth may weaken the tooth and make it vulnerable to bacterial action

Timely treatment of decay and dental caries can go a long way in preventing root canal infection. Please feel free to contact The Sanger Dentist for root canal treatment near you.

Dentists Can Identify the Following Symptoms

Specific symptoms may be identifiable only by dentists, and they may use one or more of the following techniques to detect root canal infection:

  • Digital x-rays for a more accurate diagnosis
  • Identifying persistent sores or darkened teeth
  • Looking for exposed nerves

One or more symptoms may indicate that you require root canal treatment in Sanger, TX. You can be confident that we are mindful of our patients’ comfort and wellbeing at all times.

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