How Do You Regrow Bone Loss from Periodontal Disease?

How Do You Regrow Bone Loss from Periodontal Disease?

Jul 01, 2022

What Is Bone Loss in Dentistry?

It is the process of bone disintegration in the jawbone. The bone tissue disintegrates gradually over time, typically due to inactivity or an underlying infection. The consequences of bone loss in dental health are significant, including premature tooth loss, shifting of teeth, jaw pain, and a weak dental framework.

What Causes Bone Loss in Dentistry?

Two main factors are linked to causing bone loss in dentistry:

  1. Periodontitis – is a severe stage of gum disease. It develops when patients neglect treating gingivitis. The infection is severe enough that teeth can start falling off without treatment.
  2. Tooth loss – losing your natural tooth is a great ordeal. However, it poses a greater risk to your dental health when you start losing bone tissue. One tooth loss can lead to losing many other natural teeth. The inactivity of the jawbone causes the bone tissue to disintegrate.

Another uncommon factor that can cause bone loss is dental injury. Dental trauma can significantly deform our oral cavity and result in severe bone loss. Besides, underlying health problems like cancer and arthritis can weaken your bones throughout your body, resulting in gradual bone loss in your jawbone.

What Procedures Can Stimulate Bone Growth?

When you visit us at The Sanger Dentist for periodontal treatment, we focus on procedures that heal your gums and also stimulate bone growth to repair your jawbone. The treatments rely on the body’s ability to regenerate new tissues. Some of the ways to increase the production of new bone tissue in your jawbone include:

  1. Bone grafting – is a surgical procedure that repairs damaged bone tissue. The procedure entails obtaining a bone graft from a different part of your mouth or body or a human donor or synthetic source. The graft repairs the area of bone loss, stimulating the growth of new bone tissue in your jawbone.
  2. Implantation surgery – is a procedure for replacing natural teeth with a dental implant. The implant features a mall screw-like titanium metal post, typically erected in the jawbone. When the implant is in your jawbone, it stimulates bone regeneration to integrate the titanium metal.
  3. Emdogain® gel – is a protein injected into your jawbone to stimulate the generation of new gum tissue and ligament growth.

Can Bone Loss Be Prevented?

Although treatments are available to repair lost bone tissue, always aim for preventive measures. A dentist near you can give you a detailed breakdown of some ways to prevent bone loss, including the following:

  1. Eat healthily – gravitate toward calcium-rich foods like milk, green leafy vegetables, cheese, and yogurt that are incredible for strengthening bones and teeth.
  2. Increase your Vitamin D intake – spend a few minutes in the sun.
  3. Treating gum diseases early – do not wait until it is too advanced before you visit a dentist for periodontal treatment in Sanger, TX.
  4. Replace a missing tooth early – some patients have replaced their natural teeth immediately after tooth extraction. However, you can wait a few months to heal the extraction wound before replacing the tooth. Still, do not wait too long until your jaw’s bone tissue begins to disintegrate due to inactivity.
  5. Seek treatment for bruxism – habitual teeth grinding can go on for many years and slowly cause oral problems in your jawbone. Reach out to us at The Sanger Dentist for various remedies to treat teeth grinding.
  6. Visit your dentist regularly – regular dental exams are not necessary when you have underlying oral problems. They are preventive measures that help you excel in your health through proactive dental care.
  7. Lower your sugar intake – sugar releases acids when it mixes with saliva and bacteria in your mouth. The acids work against your oral health by causing dental infections like gum disease. Significantly lower your sugar intake. Start by cutting off processed foods and lean more toward natural sugar sources.
  8. Keep your mouth clean – ultimately, your oral hygiene influences your oral health. No matter what you eat, if you do not keep your mouth clean, you will suffer infections. Brush your teeth and floss daily to avoid plaque forming on your teeth’ surfaces.
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