Are Tooth Veneers a Good Idea? What You Should Know about Dental Veneers
Tooth veneers are excellent for making aesthetic improvements to your smile if your teeth are chipped, malformed, intensely discolored, unresponsive to whitening treatments, or have gaps between them, et cetera. You can have dental veneers placed on your teeth in one or two visits to the dentist near you to conceal your dental flaws. If you decide to have traditional masks made from porcelain, the surface appears natural, like your tooth, and will not stain. However, veneers will give you a smile you desire.
Are Dental Veneers Painful?
If you prefer porcelain veneers to hide your dental defects, the procedure entails tooth structure removal under anesthesia. The porcelain veneers dentist must remove tooth enamel past the dentin before taking impressions of your teeth for the dental laboratory to customize them. You will receive temporary acrylic veneers to protect your teeth until the dental lab returns them in approximately three weeks.
While the tooth reshaping procedure is painful, you will experience no discomfort from the anesthesia the dentist provides. Three weeks later, you can revisit the dentist to have the temporary shells removed for replacement with your permanent veneers. The second appointment will not require anesthesia because the temporary surfaces are comfortably removed by the dentist without pain-relieving medications.
Can You Go Back to Normal after the Veneers?
The veneers you choose to cover your dental defects determine whether you can return to normal after the shells.
For example, if you have porcelain veneers on your teeth that require tooth structure removal procedure is not reversible. Therefore removing the porcelain shells from your teeth is practically impossible. Even if the porcelain shells are damaged or chipped, you must consider replacing them with similar versions because your tooth enamel cannot regenerate and will appear damaged, cause sensitivity and become vulnerable to infections.
When choosing dental veneers in Sanger, it helps if you discuss your needs with the dentist nearby to determine which surfaces you can have on your teeth to hide dental imperfections. The dentist examines the affected teeth and creates a customized treatment plan giving you options to choose different kinds of dental veneers best suited for your needs after considering your budget, future needs, et cetera.
You can consider porcelain veneers on your teeth if you do not have financial constraints and are willing to have the surfaces on your teeth for life. Porcelain veneers are stain resistant and incredibly durable. After bonding the shells to your natural teeth, they will stay on them for 10 to 15 years and often over 20 years if you maintain them properly by following an excellent dental hygiene regimen and visiting your dentist for regular exams and cleanings. However, these shells are also the most expensive and can set you back considerably when you consider them optimal for your needs. Unfortunately, the procedure for getting them is irreversible, making it impossible for you to return to normal after getting them bonded on your teeth.
If you are unsure about having the porcelain shells on your teeth but need smile enhancements, nevertheless, the discussion with the dentist will open up alternatives such as composite resin surfaces that function similarly to help enhance your smile.
Composite resin veneers are customized by the dentist in the dental office and placed on your teeth in one visit without removing tooth structure or needing anesthesia. Etching the surface of the affected tooth is all the preparation the tooth needs before the dentist paints tooth-colored resin on it to improve its appearance with your smile.
As composite resin veneers require no tooth structure removal, you can have them removed whenever you want if you think the shells no longer serve your purpose. It indicates composite resin veneers allow you to return to normal without surfaces covering your teeth to hide dental flaws. In addition, the composite surfaces will cost you half the amount of porcelain veneers. However, you must pay for the consequences of paying lower prices by preparing to replace the shells every five to seven years instead of nearly two decades.
If considering getting dental veneers, you must discuss the procedure with the nearby dentist to determine which version best suits your overall needs. If porcelain surfaces function as semi-permanent treatments on your teeth, other versions are removable. Therefore before you decide on the version you want, consult The Sanger Dentist, who will help you decide which option is best for your unique needs. Arrange a free consultation with them today to discuss your needs and receive their placements to enhance your smile.